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The Pomegranate Tale
Picture above created by ChatGPT Plus Introduction by Prof., Dr. paed. Karine Oganisjana, Riga Technical University Sometimes, the most unexpected encounters can change the way we see the world. Research is often thought of as a structured journey toward knowledge,...
AECED presentation on Developing Democratic Supervisory Practices at the Society for Research into Higher Education conference
By Karen Mpamhanga On a wet and rather windy Wednesday in December, I set off to Nottingham in the UK to attend the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) conference. I have been a member of SRHE ( for many years, and have attended many...
“Movements” – A dance performance based on an embodied research
Click here to watch video "Movements" is an innovative dance performance developed by students of Philipps University of Marburg, Germany, under the guidance of Dr. Lea Spahn. Rooted in embodied research and the theme of “Democracy and Polarization”, the piece...
Commoning Workshop
Read in English Das deutsche Team des AECED Projekts führte Anfang Oktober 2024 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem deutschen Commons-Institut einen Praxis-Workshop zu den Anwendungen der Mustersprache des Commoning durch. Das Team der Philipps-Universität Marburg brachte in...
Commoning Workshop
Lesen Sie auf Deutsch The German team of the AECED project, in cooperation with the German Commons Institute, conducted a practical workshop on the applications of the Pattern Language of Commoning at the beginning of October 2024. In a face-to-face workshop from 4 to...
Praktikumsbericht: Persönliche Einblicke von deutscher AECED-Kollegin, Helena Wolter.
Read in English Im Rahmen meines Forschungspraktikums beschäftige ich mich seit 3 Monaten mit ästhetischen und körper-basierten Lernansätzen der Demokratiebildung im AECED Projekt (Transforming Education for Democracy through Aesthetic and Embodied Learning,...
Personal Reflections on my internship with the AECED Project, a blog from Helena Wolter (AECED Germany team member).
Lesen Sie auf Deutsch As part of my research internship, I have been working on aesthetic and embodied learning for democracy in the AECED project (Transforming Education for Democracy through Aesthetic and Embodied Learning, Responsive Pedagogies and...
Seminar for Secondary Teachers in Latvia
By Karine Oganisjana and Rolands Ozols A specific feature of the Latvian role in the AECED project is the integration of arts-based and embodied learning (ABEL) methods, namely drama sketch and collage creation, not only into typical problem-based activities on...
AECED workshop at Creative Research Methods conference
By Dr Suzanne Culshaw At the end of June, the UK AECED team had the opportunity to lead a workshop at the Creative Research Methods conference at the University of Hertfordshire (UH). The conference had been designed to be an accessible, central point for creative...
Reflections on the ‘Strengthening Democracy Through Education: Conceptual and Practical Perspectives’ conference
Pauliina Jääskeläinen of University of Lapland/Lapin Yliopisto debriefs us on a recent conference hosted by the Democrat project, AECED's 'sister project' under the Horizon Europe scheme. It was a pleasure to attend such a well-organised conference by our sister...